Ideas for Communicating with Children
5 Ways Parents Can Motivate Children at Home During the Pandemic – Without Nagging or Tantrums
Wendy Grolnick, a psychologist and parenting expert who has worked with parents in disaster situations, has studied how parents can help children become more self-motivated and decrease conflict in the family.
In this piece she shares some strategies to make the house run more smoothly during the coronavirus crisis.
- The Conversation Media Group Ltd -
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12 More Effective Ways to Praise Children Other Than Saying "You're Amazing!"
When parents say "You're amazing", they actually make their kids less confident.
- McKenna Meyers @ We Have Kids -
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How To Encourage Teens: 6 Things Parents Should Say to Teens
Parents of teens have an arsenal of things we tell our kids multiple times a day. And often, they are questions, demands, and reprimands. But what our teens actually need to hear, we may forget to say.
- Christine Carter -
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7 Ways to Teach Your Child About “Safe” and “Unsafe” Touch
Teaching your children only about “stranger danger” may not be enough to keep them safe and away from child abusers. Even though most children as young as 4 years old understand the concept of unsafe and safe touch, getting into details without a plan can make things go sideways. If it’s not handled carefully it can confuse your kid and they might end up with more questions than answers.
Once they learn about the difference, your kid will be able to react accordingly and inform you in time, before things go the wrong way.
- Bright Side -
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Protect Yourself Rules - Safe Touch / Unsafe Touch
The main goal of this video is to educate children about what to do when confronted with abusive behavior, safe and unsafe touches, going to a parent or another trusted adult if they are confronted in an unsafe situation, and that it is not their fault.
- Fight Child Abuse -
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Careageous Kids: Keeping Your Body Safe (Colouring Workbook)
This 20-sheet learning guide helps to teach children how to protect their body and keep it safe from sexual abuse. It explains ‘good touches’ and ‘bad touches’ as well as private parts and encourages children to disclose any potential abuse.
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7 ways To Improve Family Communication
Good communication is the key to any good relationship, but family communication is especially important because of the intimacy level.
Do you regularly get together to talk about problems and let each other know how much you are loved and appreciated? Or is your idea of family communication nodding to one another as you pass in the hallway on the way to the bathroom?
- Hoffstetter Counseling -
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Build a Strong Family With a Secret Valentine Experiment
Looking for a meaningful Valentine’s Day tradition to bring your family closer together? Check out the Secret Valentine Experiment! Connect and develop a strong family bond through random acts of kindness, service, and encouragement.
Perfect for families of all ages!
- Creative Home Keeper -
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Using Technology to Connect with Your Kids
Each passing day brings the development of more apps, social media platforms, and games that can help you and your kids stay connected.
- Shelly M. Ingram -
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180 Fun and Silly Truth or Dare Questions for Kids
Truth or dare is a fun party game. It’s also a great way to keep the children busy during a rainy afternoon and could become one of your favorite family traditions. Here are some questions and ideas to keep the game going!
- ChildFun, Inc -
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Coronavirus (Covid-19): Talking With Children About Physical Distancing and Self-Isolation
Children will probably have many and mixed feelings about coronavirus (COVID-19), physical distancing and self-isolation. Talking with children about this situation can help them cope.
- Raising Children Network (Australia) Limited -
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Talking to Your Kids About COVID-19
It can be tempting to want to arm our kids with information when current events dominate the media, but we also need to be aware of the weight of placing adult-sized problems on kid-sized shoulders.
If you’re unsure where to start or don’t know how to talk to your kids about COVID-19, here are a few guidelines to help take some of the stress out of your conversation.
- Blog, Podcast -
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How Parental Control Apps Improve Family Communication
Parental controls are, fundamentally, tools. Just like the wrench doesn’t hop up and turn the nut for you, parental controls aren’t designed for you to just lock off devices at your convenience. They’re designed to help you create and reinforce boundaries.
- Screen Time Labs Ltd ® -
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From Babies to Boyfriends and Girlfriends: How to Prepare Your Children for Love and Romance
It’s a scary thought for most parents that one day your little girl and boy will be out there dating other girls and boys. For some parents it’s the moment we’ve been dreading for years; having to meet your daughter’s first boyfriend. Perhaps what scares us is that this is the sign that your little child is no longer a little child, but a young woman and man now.
The good news is that there is much we can do as parents to prepare them for this important stage in their lives.
- Dr Goh Chee Leong -
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An Age-By-Age Guide To Romantic Love
Kids begin developing an understanding of romantic love at an early age. From then on, it’s first crushes, first heartaches and first breakups. Here’s the lowdown on what love means to kids at different ages, and how parents can navigate the ups and downs.
- Kate Winn -
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Teaching Your Kids About Love and Romance
When your kid gets his/her first innocent crush, use it as an opportunity to teach a few age-appropriate love lessons.
- Gina Bevinetto Feld -
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How Do I Talk With My Kid About Healthy Relationships?
Everyone wants their children to grow up to have healthy, fulfilling relationships. When your kid is only in elementary school, that may seem like a long way off.
But learning how to have healthy friendships and treat others with respect early on can help your kid navigate more complicated relationships, including sexual and romantic relationships, later in life.
- Planned Parenthood -
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Talking About Sex, Helping Your Teenager Wait To Have Sex
Parents - we play an important role with our teens waiting to have sex until they are ready. We understand the social pressure and reasons why teens choose to have sex or practice abstinence.
We can help our teens by setting expectations about sexual activity, talking with them, and helping them build self esteem and confidence.
- Planned Parenthood -
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Teens: Communicating and Relationships
Relationships change during the teenage years. Although your child might want more privacy and more time with friends, family love and support are still very important.
They help your child learn how to make responsible decisions and build caring relationships.
- Raising Children Network (Australia) Limited -
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Say and Say Nots: What We Should and Should Not Say to Our Children
We need to be careful of what we say to our children. Our choice of words is significant. They have the potential to build up, encourage and empower and conversely they can tear down, break and weaken our children.
Check out some tips in the article on how we can watch what we say.
- Dr Goh Chee Leong -
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8 Things to Say When Disciplining Your Children
When you’re frustrated, embarrassed, or flabbergasted by your child’s behavior, it can be hard to find the right words. However, the words you use to discipline your children have a big impact. Here are some examples of discipline phrases you might want to use when your child breaks the rules.
- Amy Morin, LCSW @ Very Well Family -
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6 Ways to Improve Communication with Your Children
You’ve got an angry kid on your hands, and you’re feeling frustrated, confused, and, well, angry. At times, you may be afraid of your child’s anger and clueless about what to do.
- Family First -
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5 Common Mistakes When Talking With Preschool Children
5 Common Mistakes when talking with children. See changes in behavior by making these changes.
- positivepreschooltips -
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Conversation Skills for Children: Talking and Listening
Children learn how to talk and listen as they grow and develop. Positive talking and listening is about taking turns, speaking politely, not interrupting and not talking back.
- Raising Children Network (Australia) Limited -
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Communicating with Your Child: What Would You Say
A positive parent-child relationship begins early in life. Watch this clip and look for times when the parents could have used better communication with their children.
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) -
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Help Kids Learn How Babies Are Made
Help kids learn how babies are made with this educational video from amaze jr.
- AMAZE Parents -
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Breaking Through the Walls of Teenagers
You don’t know what it’s like to be them. Being a teenager is not the same today as it was when you were in high school. They are bombarded with burdens we were lucky to avoid.
When kids are young they will tell their parents everything, but when they enter their teen years the walls go up.
- Family First -
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How to Help Kids Dodge Cigarette, Vaping, and Pot Marketing and Stay Smoke-Free
New ways to smoke, new stuff to smoke, and evolving legal guidelines make it tougher to teach kids to just say no.
Here's how to communicate with your kids to help them resist the marketing of traditional cigarettes, vaporizers, e-cigs, and pot.
- Common Sense Media -
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Break The Yelling Habit
If you have been yelling at your children, you will know by now that it does not work. Yelling is not better; it is just … well, louder. Your children become desensitised to your yelling – the louder you go, the more they ignore you.
You lose your voice, your blood pressure goes up and your home becomes a truly unpleasant place.
- Dr Goh Chee Leong, Positive Parenting -
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Five Strategies to Improve Parent-Child Communication
Healthy communication rests at the heart of a healthy relationship. This applies in particular to relationships between parents and children.
A child wants to have a warm and loving connection with each of their parents, and being able to communicate well with each other can help make that happen.
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10 Strategies for Dealing With a Defiant Teen
Adolescence can be a difficult phase in life to navigate. Youth are trying to figure out who they are, establish their independence, and express themselves. Unfortunately, in some teens, this process can cause them to act out in an angry, argumentative, spiteful, or rebellious manner.
To keep the peace in your home, parents need a strategy to deal with a teen’s defiant behavior.
- Middle Earth -
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5 Empowering Ways to Get Your Kids to Listen
This article provides some situations that are commonly faced by parents and provides some ways to deal with it.
- Parents Network -
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"This House Rules" - a Game to a Successful "Unfight"
Is your house in a constant state of disagreement?
If you're tired of family fighting, try these three steps to get kids to listen - and parents to be better listeners.
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Age-By-Age Guide to Getting Your Kid to Talk to You
We don’t need to be our kids’ best friends, but something more than a grunt when we ask about their day sure would be nice. Here’s how to kick-start the conversation.
- Claire Gagne, Today's Parent -
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